Justin Mott
Stories, traveling pictures
Going out of focus intentionally, not showing full faces, bodies, and quality of portfolio could be better
Photos where of good quality, judges liked point of view
These photos where alright, but definitely not the best. Sports photography is so over saturated already, there are a lot of them out there
Carlos Delgado
Judges did not like the photo stories at all, thought the color choice was not the best, and the captions where lacking
Judges did however enjoy the angles that he took at, and the humorous soccer picture
Some of his pictures where alright, especially the soccer one, but most of his pictures where probably subpar quality
Jordan Murph
Sports and Stories
Judges said needed more detail, discard posed action shots, and acquire more full face images
Judges noted nice emotion in some photos, and nice composition
Jordan I thought was a better photographer, because in the beginning he left a lot of his pictures really strong, but it did taper of towards the end. If he could focus, then there could be some really great shots.
Dustin Snipes
His composition, angles, and especially moments
I agree with the strengths the judges mentioned, because most of the pictures were framed, and Dustin has a great eye for pictures and there are really no weaknesses I can see
I agree with the judges in Part 5. The judges really like the picture with the girl and the goose in Part 5: Best Student Image and I can understand why because I think the composition is really good and I think it was cut just right.
I disagree with the judges on one of the student image photos. It is the one at a baseball game where the dad is tossing his daughter into the air and I think it is an amazing photo because the dad and daughter are a silhouette against the very colorful night sky. The judges just didn't think it was a good photo at all.
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