Monday, September 15, 2014

Post Your Photos: First Photoshoot

These are the pictures for the first Photoshoot. There was four prompts, Happy, Bowie, Metal, and Square, not necessarily in that order.

Flipped Faces

1. What did you think about that unique idea?
This idea was interesting to say the least. The first though I had when I was this was, what is this? This idea is possibly the most unique thing I have ever seen.
2. When you first looked at the photos, did it take you a second to figure out what you were looking at?
I figured out quickly that it was someones head because of the title, but it took me a while to figure out that the picture is upside down.

3. Sometime maybe you can try something unique like this…..


Here are my best pictures from the prompts:

My best for "Happy"

My best for "Metal"

My best for "Bowie"

My best for "Square"

1 comment:

  1. Hey i looked at your pictures! I thought they were really cool and cute! Very artsy!!!
