Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

1. The main points of the story is that manipulating photos for any reason is wrong, unless it is only for making them look better, not changing the content of the photo. Most of the doctored photos where small things but they removed part of the story, and in doing so, they lied.

2. This kind of photo editing is not tolerated because it is basically lying, and that is intolerable in any means. The punishments that these photographers received is proportionate and necessary to deter other photographers from doing the same.
I think that tho is the most unethical photo because they only did this to make diversity, and it wasn't even real diversity! This was kind of racist, and the fact that they did this makes me not want to go to this university.

This was probably the most not unethical, even though it was still inappropriate. It was probably the most not unethical because it made the pyramids closer together only makes a cooler image. It is not as if they are hurting anyone.

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