Thursday, September 25, 2014

Academic Photo Shoot Preview Assignment

The Story

The visual here tells a story about the preparation and the feelings of the students pictured here. What the substance is, how they got it, the preparation, and other things make the viewer wonder what happened and what is going to occur.

Filling the Frame

The frame is filled with interesting things happening here, teacher getting a head rub, the girl standing casually to the side, the large maniac student with his tongue out. This all contributes to a chaotic and enjoyable scene.
Action or Emotion

The action in this photo is almost blatantly obvious. Here, the rapid explosion of the liquid and the amazement
 on these students faces reflect their thrill and enjoyment of this action packed photo, well deserving of the grand prize.

The Photo I chose from the list was a photo where a student was positioned behind a whiteboard. The whiteboard itself was see through and you could easily tell what he was writing on the board, which was a complex mathematical equation.   

1. I picked this photo because it was something that interested me. The photo's usual style and the students concentrated demeanor drew me to the photo. It was something that I didn't see before.

2. The rule of thirds is apparent in the photo because the foreground is blurred, signifying that the student is the center of attention. 

Academic Photo Shoot

1. I bet that I could take some photos like that in the courtyard. The courtyard is an interesting "prop" and it may make the photos look more interesting because of this interesting photographic element.

2. I would like to visit Mr. Rodriquez's classroom. 

3. I have to set up the shot carefully and prepare so that most if not all of the details are evident. 

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